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Are you ready to explore the world? Then, you are in the right place – Civilization will allow you to see how the world was evolving. This game consists of several separate sessions in which the player receives a particular role and lives in a specific historical period. You will be able to experience and compare life in ancient times and in the modern era. If you are intrigued to give it a try, let’s get started immediately!

What’s your mission?

You will have to survive in different time eras. It will be a real challenge as you will have to collect a lot of resources to survive in various conditions and environments. Many times, your life will be in danger, and you will have to think hard about how to remain alive. You will have to go through unbelievable adventures and master absolutely new skills to adapt to the time you are living in. It will be both risky and fun. But this entertainment will also teach you a lot of exciting things about the world.

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