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Run Life Simulator

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Welcome to a great life simulator that will let you learn yourself better than any other psychological test. This adventure is designed in the form of a thrilling personality test, and everything is arranged as a small runner. At the beginning of each level, you will be asked a specific question. You need to choose one of the two available answers – for this, you need to select the gate with the text you like better. If you want a really true-to-life result – be honest with yourself.

Will you succeed in this run?

It depends only on you how your run will develop and end up. The path in front of you is full of surprises. Some of them are health boosters that will make your character fit and young. You should not ignore these items as they will make the run easier. But there are also traps on this road. If you happen to get into it, you will immediately become older! Now it will be the result of your action whether your character will reach the finishing line young or get old prematurely. The hero may even die if you make too many wrong steps.

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